- the bell jar by sylvia plath
- the stranger by albert camus
- the plague by albert camus
- emma by jane eyre
- the metamorposis by franz kafka
- books one through nine in the vampire chronicles
- the goldfinch by donna tartt
- antigone by sophocles
- i forgot most of them lol

Flug's Update ; Posted 21:08pm 3/5/24

i started reading 'Madam Bovary' by Flaubert!!! so far it's pretty good :3
i rly want to get back into the vampire chronicles tho!

Current Stats

writing about my current book stats...

currently reading
Madam Bovary by Flaubert...also Sylvia Plath's poems!

currently on hold
I want to finish the vampire chronicles so bad but the book im on sucks omg...i also want to finish Kurt Vonnegut's 'Player Piano.'

current author obsession
albert camus is the love of my life and i need him so desperately